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Ambitions don’t deliver results. Lifestyles do!

Intended goals without a plan are mere wishes. Nothing More. Lifestyle habits … those are the keys which get you to where you want to be or, if not addressed, will keep you where you are. Implement a new lifestyle and you change the trajectory of your future. Whether you are eliminating debt, building your emergency fund, gaining better health, or planning for a large purchase … adjusting your regular routine, by even one small change, will put you on the right course.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” - Mark Twain

The first step in formulating any plan is the decision. What is your goal? Once made, you need to devise a plan that is equal to the goal and implement actions to achieve it. And thus, your journey begins, step by step. Some days, your journey will be a breeze and other days, extremely difficult. That’s par for the course. The most rewarding things done in life are often the most challenging.

Keep in mind that each decision you make on your journey will reveal itself to you in the future. In fact, look around you now. Where you are and what you have is the direct result of past decisions. So be mindful, be particular, and be ready to fine-tune the plan, when necessary.

The challenges you’ll face aren’t mean to destroy you. They are meant to help you discover who you are. Your decision-making skills, your fortitude, your ability to adapt and grow are just a few of the added bonuses you’ll experience during this journey.

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