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Do You Let Your Stuff Own You?

Seneca wrote, “Everything needed for our well-being is right before us, whereas what luxury requires is gathered by many miseries and anxieties. Let us use this gift of nature and count it among the greatest things.”

Believe it or not, there is a difference between the luxuries that life has to offer versus the luxuries we chase with our money. Often, we are so fixated on the purchased luxuries that our pursuit of them often brings misery, particularly once we are able attain the goal. Have you ever gone after something with all your being only to have buyer’s remorse once you had it in hand? I know I certainly have and not just one time, but many times with the purchase of a new phone, car, outfit, handbag, pair of shoes, a new kitchen appliance…the list has been endless.

Occasionally, the acquired item would be useful, and I’d use it relentlessly. But more times than not, in the review of my expenditures at the end of the year, I realized I just spent thousands of dollars on irrational gains all in the name of luxury, not necessity. Had I invested that money or better yet, given it away to those in need, I would have certainly gained more satisfaction and fulfillment. To make a difference in someone else’s life is a mind-blowing and enriching experience.

I have seen firsthand what incredible wealth can do to a person, who isn’t grounded. The acquisition of all their luxurious things becomes a religion to them. And in watching these people, I see them lose a piece of their spirit to angst because now their things own them, not the other way around. There's insurance, inventory and self examination: who is using me for my things? are they really my friends? can I trust them?

To feel the breeze, smell a certain scent that takes one back to a cherished moment or experience the breathtaking array of a God-authored sunrise/sunset, these are the luxuries that life has to offer. They are free and at our disposal and above all, they are a necessity to a full and rich life.

The many times I have been at the beach, camping, biking, on a walk, or socializing with friends at a small casual dinner party, I find my soul fortified by the smiles, laughter and conversation. One hundred percent of the time that I engage in any of these simple activities, I realize I am the richest person on the planet because I derive limitless rewards from just being around my family and friends, having decent health and the blessing of a beautiful day. I know I need nothing else because I want everything I already have. The resultant energy is marvelous and grounding.

So, if you want to really experience the essence of financial peace today, learn to love and need what you already have at your disposal and replace only that which you absolutely require. Own your stuff instead of the other way around. Your future self will thank you.

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