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Spoken Blessings Impact Lives

Speak intentional words of honor and excellence over others, so that they can step into that blessing. Speak these words over yourself too!

A little story on this (having nothing in the world to do with finances). When my son was about 8 years old, I introduced him to an adult friend of mine and quietly suggested he shake hands. It made him nervous like any 8-year old, but he did it. A few days later, I made a point of telling his grandmother, "he is a complete gentleman and always makes the effort to shake hands with adults, to put them at ease. I am amazed at his confidence." However ... I said this to her, knowing he was eavesdropping (he didn't know I knew that).

Low and behold, he started shaking hands whenever I introduced him to other adults, without my asking him to do so, causing positive reactions over the pint-sized gentleman I had by my side. I reinforced this new habit by letting him know that not only was he honoring others with this simple gesture, but he was placing honor on himself, thereby encouraging others to treat him with respect. You get what you give.

Basically, I spoke intentional words of dignity and excellence over him and he rose up to that endorsement. It's human nature! We like to belong to a tribe, to be validated, to receive a blessing (just look at Jacob and Essau).

Imagine, if we did that with ourselves? Instead of saying negative affirmations over our lives, what if we said things like,

  • I love how I always make a great shopping list. I have a great talent for figuring out what's really needed in my home.

  • I am proud that I said no to that big purchase last week...I saved money! I can see how strong I am becoming, not only in my finances but in my life overall.

  • I am excited to see how well I am doing at creating a sustainable budget. My creativity with numbers is amazing!

  • I finally said a firm "no" to someone asking me for money and yes, it was uncomfortable, but I did it!! I am getting rather savvy at developing my personal boundaries.

  • I am enjoying house hunting because I know I will pick the best place for my family and me. I know this because I am realizing just how wise, confident, and knowledgable I really am about the real estate market.

Upon declaring this fact over YOUR life, drop the mike, and make room for the next declaration.

Important to note: Satan is incapable of messing with declared blessings. Your Father won't allow it!

Have a great day, my Financial Warriors! You are kicking some financial butt!

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