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The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.

One skill that will benefit you in every area of your life is patience. But how can patience help me get my finances in order? I think that is a fair question since what we want to experience is financial peace, like TODAY!

Remember that truly little in life, which is revered, comes about instantaneously. It takes time, planning, education, and resolve. The path of least resistance may be great to follow when you are driving, because you'll get to your destination more quickly. However, when it comes to our careers, finances, relationships, and overall life experience - it is the quickest path to mediocrity. Anything valuable is worth waiting for, correct?

To understand this notion, let’s look at the reverse of patience, which would be Impatience.

Thesaurus has a few words that can be used in lieu of impatience: annoyance, irritation, edginess, intolerance, displeasure, exasperation, grouchiness, crankiness. The list is quite revealing, don’t you think? And when you practice or engage in the art of impatience, you make poor decisions that affect your well-being and your finances … usually for the long run.

  • It wastes precious time.

  • It can put you under a lot of stress, as you become more reactive instead of proactive.

  • It can negatively affect your relationships because you are self-absorbed.

  • It can cause you to undergo self-doubt and decrease your confidence level.

  • It makes you feel downright horrible! Have you ever said or done anything in haste and lived to regret it?

  • It can quickly put your finances, your relationships and even your life in danger.

Essentially, impatience is an “energy vampire.”

On the other hand, the words Thesaurus offers relative to the word patience are endurance, tolerance, persistence, fortitude, serenity, stamina, restraint. Basically, it is a list that seems to produce a lot of fruit in your life.

Like what?

  • First, It helps with compassion for others…and for yourself. Forgiving the moment for not turning out the way you saw it happening or not occurring faster than expected is an act of compassion that stabilizes your continued approach.

  • You don’t ruin things for other people. Because patience requires self-control, it necessitates your having the insight to think about the end game of success or happiness for both you and others.

  • You reduce stress. Acting out in a tantrum because things aren’t running smoothly doesn’t make the situation happen more swiftly. At best, you have annoyed others, raised your blood pressure, aggravated your adrenals, and now must deal with all that upheaval.

  • You realize not everyone, or everything runs on your schedule. Poo Poo happens. Be accepting.

  • Things get clearer as time progresses. Sometimes, God says, “Not right now,” and for good reason. Hindsight reveals this reality.

  • You end up making better decisions. Patience allows us ample opportunity to study our target goal more fully and all the factors involved in its achievement, which lends credence to the adage that “Knowledge is Power.”

  • And sometimes…just waiting for the right moment is essential. Afterall, timing is everything.

Remembering that not everything is under your influence, will give you copious chances to employ patience when it becomes necessary. The good news is that you will have plenty of occasions to run the drill. Sometimes things break down. Sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes things just don’t work out the way you want them to, and you need patience in order to accept that truth and find clear solutions. It is a skill that needs to be cultivated, developed, and perfected through practice.

In the end, you will find yourself more capable of working unexpected obstacles, which will increase your confidence, your knowledge and skillset giving birth to a few surprising successes. And looking back, you will find yourself saying, “I’m glad I waited.”

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