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The Power of the Tongue

I want to get you to think about the power of our tongues. What we speak over ourselves, our situations, our loved ones or even complete strangers has an enormous effect on our little corner of the world. Basically, what you say is what you get.

Personal Example. I used to get on my own case about my debt and say, "I'm NEVER going to see the light of day. If only I could win the lotto!" That way of thinking affected other areas of my life...such as dating. I was attracting less-than-quality men because deep down, I didn't believe I could attract a more worthy guy. Well, as Mathatma Gandhi said, "Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny."

Jesus spoke about this in Matthew 15:11 "... it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a person." Basically, Jesus was referring to the scribes and Pharisees, not a very positive group of gents, because they focused on the outside and ignored the inner person, where Jesus resides. And like a Pharisee, I was so focused on the outside circumstances (which are only temporary) and not on the permanent (untapped) gifts that were residing within me. Thinking and speaking in a limited way, was defiling my personal life and my financial peace because it was all wrapped up in my identity/perspective. In short, I made the mistake of identifying the situation as who I am, not what I was going through. Merely believing I deserved something didn't make it a reality... but worse, believing that I didn't deserve something prevented me from trying.

So this leads me to the Thought of the Day: Most people are capable of more than they believe. Confidence won't automatically get you results, but self-doubt sets your ceiling - James Clear. And just a little reminder, self-doubt is the lie and voice of Satan.

The reality of your situation, however, is that you were put here on this Earth at this time in all of eternity to fulfill God's plan. He has a purpose for you like no other and like most folks, you may have no clue what that purpose is, but to achieve it, you must accept a certain set of non-negotiable truths about yourself, in that you are accomplished, talented, gifted, proficient, skilled, adept, clever, qualified, efficient, able and competent. You are nothing less because you are a Child of the Creator of the Universe...a Child of The Most High, and He resides within you. 1 John4:4: "... for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."

Once you get your mind and heart wrapped around THIS ultimate truth, your entire life will change because your thoughts, words and actions will be different. Not only will you achieve Financial Peace, but you'll experience the Peace of Jesus Christ. I promise!

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