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The Question Isn’t Whether You Worship, It’s What You Worship

In the Book of Proverbs, specifically 4:23, the scripture states: “Above all else, guard your heart for everything you do flows from it.” And whatever you focus on with all your heart, is essentially what you worship. So, let’s break this down.

What exactly are you trying to achieve in life? If it is the approval of others or control over your situations, I can say, without a doubt, you are in for a big letdown. Because where your heart is focused, so go your activities. If your heart is hell bent on attaining control, power, or peer approval for your lifestyle, then your actions will do whatever is necessary to support your heart’s desire. Your financial decisions reflect your aspirations in that your current status is the result of your past activities. When we search for the unattainable, we follow a pattern of behavior that gets us into trouble. We are overwhelmed by a lack of fulfillment and most likely, by a lot of debt.

Too many of us, myself included, have sought out pricey and quick purchases to get that little high and ultimately to secure the approval of others. Nice car! Great purse! Perfect home! The problem, however, is that it is never enough. If I just do this or get that, then I will feel complete. So, we follow that pattern and eventually feel a sense of guilt or become financially overwhelmed by our decisions.

That said, there is nothing wrong with setting goals to attain certain purchases or achievements, but what are the motivations behind them? Is it for your own pleasure or to affect others? For example, is the big house to impress others or for you and your growing family? Do you want that Tesla so people will think you are on the cutting edge of technology or do you like your vision of a green future? Do you want to put all your assets, time and energy into your child’s athletic career in the hopes of begetting a professional athlete or do you want to expose them to the lessons of focus, hard work and discipline, and leave the pursuit of their dreams up to them?

Your motives should support your own ideals, principles, and beliefs, not mirror the perceived admiration of others or even the attempt to control situations. Above all, your objectives should be backed up by sound financial principles and thoughtful planning known as budgeting! Before endeavoring to pursue a goal, always contemplate the budgetary needs necessary for execution. Even virtuous goals require financial forethought.

The fact of the matter is that you will not ever experience absolute control over a situation, power over people or unqualified peer approval. It is scientifically and emotionally impossible. What IS achievable is control over your reactions, power over your decisions and the advent of numerous opportunities to develop genuine self-esteem. Reaching any of these measures, provides a little more resistance to the influence of others and the world around you. Instead of giving your power away, why not hold on to it and use it for the things that will provide you with a sound mind and peaceful existence?

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” – Matthew 6:21

So be careful of what you worship because your emotional, physical, and financial well-being will eventually reflect that pursuit.

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