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Emotions are mere barometers as to what is going on around us or to us, at a specific place in time. Emotions, as well as our circumstances, change all the time… employment, diet, exercise, lack of sleep or even too much sleep, traffic, falling in love, getting divorced, birth, death …. they basically allow us to check in with ourselves so that we can grow from the experience. That’s all emotions are. Never…. EVER…make a major life decision based on anything so unsustainable as an emotion.

For instance, you are feeling bored - don’t go shopping with your credit card. You’re excited because you just got a raise - don’t make any large purchases. Someone close to you passed away unexpectedly - don’t sell anything just yet. You see your spouse talking to someone who isn’t trustworthy – don’t file for divorce. Ok that last one is a bit much, but I think you get the point.

Emotions, like friends, are great to have, and in fact, are essential to life. But learn to keep your reactions to both in check, otherwise your responses will control you and possibly cause a lot of grief later.

Take time to ask yourself questions such as, “Do I really want to do that? Do I really need it? Is it good for me? Is it in my budget? How will this affect my finances over the next few days, weeks, months, and years? Is this where I want to go?” If something doesn’t feel right along the way, then just say NO. You can always change your mind later.

The goal is to be mindful, accountable, and reasonable in your decision making. How do I do that? Establish a vision for your future with a plan and then support that vision with a budget, which is a roadmap of your time, your finances, and any other component that will enhance the mission.

To organize your plan, simply write out your vision covering an interval of your choosing (i.e., 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, etc.), then plan your pursuit with a timetable. Set up targets along the way so you can confirm you are heading in the right direction. Most importantly, be coachable and open to new paradigms.

Remember, the main objective is for you to be the architect of your life, not your emotions.

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